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We've got a new gadget at Scorpio in Virginia Water! Very exciting, it's called a Theraflex.....
As you will already have read on our web and FB pages, in order to function properly your spine needs to be supple and elastic. Loss of this elasticity is natural with time and age and it’s often greatly accelerated by poor posture and a sedentary job or lifestyle.
The vertebrae of your back operate a bit like the links of a bicycle chain: when sections get stiff the whole mechanical structure gets affected and starts behaving differently. If one group of links gets jammed the ones above and below move too much (become “hypermobile”) and get irritated
Manual therapists are pretty good at loosening spinal joints but it can be really hard work: and for some of those patients out there (you know who you are!) it can take many sessions of uncomfortable treatment to get things going.
Happily some clever engineers have come up with this nifty bionic hand which is driven by compressed air. The therapist applies it to your back and it crawls up and down looking a bit like the Mars Rover. We can control how lightly or heavily the four pads deliver rapid small amplitude "thumps" to your facet joints to get them moving.
Even though the Theraflex is a machine the condition of every joint can still be felt through the handset, defining the problem areas in the spine requiring attention. The operator still retains the feel and control of manual therapies. Nifty, indeed! And it's done wonders for my golf swing.
17/12/2015 | Open wrote Thank you! I also love pilates and need to fit that in for my soul too. Not evoeyrne can do all things, but I think moving in any way is so giving to our bodies My dad had several back surgeries so he has had to modify and learn his balance as well Good luck on your journey in movement! |
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jHours of business
Virginia Water
Monday to Friday 7.30am – 8pm
Saturday 8.30am – 5.30pm
Sunday emergencies – please call 01344 845801
Monday 9am - 4pm
Thursday 9am - 4pm
Englefield Green
Thursday 9am - 4pm
Bank Holidays
Emergencies can usually be seen at Virginia Water. Please call 01344 845801
How much will it cost?
Each manual therapy session is charged at £60.00, whether it is the initial assessment / treatment session or a follow-up treatment, with shockwave and pilates, Nesa X-Signal by arrangement. Find out more about private medical insurance cover...