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C-sections, breast surgery, hip, knee and shoulder replacements, ANY keyhole surgery, skin lesions, as well as scars resulting from injuries may be hidden contributors to your chronic, unresolved pain or dysfunction.
In fact, ANY scar will create an interruption of the 3D fascial matrix which allows flow of movement and communication within the body. You may feel a pull or a restrictive band, numbness or tingling, or even a feeling of discontinuation between parts (like after a C section - above and below the scar)
Working with scar tissue is yet another forward leap in the world of fascia. Sharon Wheeler's ScarWork ® is light, relaxed, pain free and effective on most scars. Techniques are designed to smooth out uneven lumps, bumps, ridges, strings, and gaps. Holes and dips can be filled in painlessly, re-establishing the resilient 3D quality of the fascial web to restore optimal functioning. Furthermore, it allows the tissue to replay its traumatic experience, (injury or surgery) and release it.
By the release of restrictions and adhesions originating within and around the scar, impaired nerves can regain sensation and internal organ functions can normalize once again. Scars may become softer, smoother and more integrated with their surroundings. Cosmetic improvement can be remarkable.
Dana has just completed her training and is open for bookings.
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jHours of business
Virginia Water
Monday to Friday 7.30am – 8pm
Saturday 8.30am – 5.30pm
Sunday emergencies – please call 01344 845801
Monday 9am - 4pm
Thursday 9am - 4pm
Englefield Green
Thursday 9am - 4pm
Bank Holidays
Emergencies can usually be seen at Virginia Water. Please call 01344 845801
How much will it cost?
Each session is charged at £60.00, whether it is the initial assessment / treatment session or a follow-up treatment, with shockwave, pilates and men's health packages by arrangement. Find out more about private medical insurance cover...