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Physiotherapy, Osteopathy

Acupuncture & Pilates

Sarah Key spinal mobilisation course

Lucy, Steve and Sophie have all attended the Sarah Key spinal mobilisation course using the heel of the foot to loosen up spinal joints. This approach to back pain is fabulous for releasing the stiffness and ache of back pain that just won’t go away. Sarah Key’s approach to spinal health is based on decompressing the spine and encouraging the exchange of fluids within your discs (like a sponge squeezing out metabolites and sucking in nutrient rich fluid). Want to slow down the natural ageing process of your disc which can lead to accelerated spinal breakdown? Then this treatment regime together with 3 simple exercises for you to do at home will teach you to take responsibility for your spinal health.

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jHours of business

Virginia Water
Monday to Friday 7.30am – 8pm
Saturday 8.30am – 5.30pm
Sunday emergencies – please call 01344 845801

Monday 9am - 4pm
Thursday 9am - 4pm

Englefield Green
Thursday 9am - 4pm

Bank Holidays
Emergencies can usually be seen at Virginia Water. Please call 01344 845801

How much will it cost?

Each manual therapy session is charged at £60.00, whether it is the initial assessment / treatment session or a follow-up treatment, with shockwave and pilates, Nesa X-Signal by arrangement. Find out more about private medical insurance cover...

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